FUTURO Dark Omen [Gamefound maggio 2024]


Grande Goblin
Like a Ninja 1 anno con i Goblins! 5 anni con i Goblins! First reaction SHOCK!
21 Agosto 2014
Commands & Colors Ancients
Per 2-4 giocatori, "You think you're ready to trudge through the shadows of Edaia? Dark Omen isn't for the faint-hearted, my friend. It's an epic, grim-dark coop-adventure for 2 to 4 players who dare to defy their fate. Dive deep into the twisted world of Edaia on a board that shifts and twists like the tangled roots of a cursed tree. And let me tell you, it ain't the same game twice. Craft your own doom with a dark-humored handicap deck, tossing runes like desperate pleas to the gods. But don't get too cocky, kid – Edaia eats heroes for breakfast. With each chapter, the board morphs and changes, throwing you into the thick of battle with puzzles that'll twist your brain into knots. It's easy to learn, they say, but hard to master. Like anything in life worth a damn. So, think you've got what it takes to survive the darkness? Step up, then. Dark Omen awaits. But remember, I've seen heroes come and go – and you're not impressing me yet".
Gamefound https://gamefound.com/en/projects/dark-omen/dark-omen?ref=explore
Bgg https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/381139/dark-omen
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Alto Basso