Non poteva mancare l'espansione dei marinai.... come per l'analoga espansione "terrestre" appesantisce il gioco.
Now five to six players can sail into the uncharted and explore and settle the mysterious islands near Catan! The 5-6 Player Expansion for The Seafarers of Catan allows you to add 1-2 more opponents without sacrificing ease of play. Try one of ten new exciting scenarios! Designed for 5-6 players, it adds even more drama to the award-winning game of seafaring, exploration, and trade.
Belongs to the Catan Series.
This game requires The Settlers of Catan, The Settlers of Catan 5/6 player extension,and the Seafarers 3-4 expansion ( to play. Ideally, using the same publisher and edition of the game.
- Catan: Seafarers – 5-6 Player Extension
- Catan: Merenkävijät, 5-6 lisäosa
- Catan: Námořníci – rozšíření 5-6 hráčů
- Catan: Navegantes – Ampliación para 5 y 6 jugadores
- Catan: Seefahrer – Ergänzung 5 – 6 Spieler
- Catan: Zeevaarders 5-6 Spelers
- Catan: Żeglarze – Dodatek dla 5-6 graczy
- Catane: Marins 5 et 6 joueurs
- De Kolonisten van Catan: De Zeevaarders (uitbreidingsset voor 5 of 6 Spelers)
- Les Marins de Catane: Extension 5-6 joueurs
- Navegantes de Catán: Expansión 5-6 Jugadores
- The Seafarers of Catan: 5-6 Player Expansion
- The Seafarers of Catan: 5-6 Player Extension
- Settlers från Catan: Sjöfarare Expansion för 5-6 spelare
- The Settlers of Catan: Seafarers – 5-6 Player Extension
- Die Siedler von Catan: Seefahrer – Ergänzung
- Die Siedler von Catan: Seefahrer – Ergänzung für 5 & 6 Spieler
- Die Siedler von Catan: Seefahrer – Ergänzung für 5 & 6 Spieler (2010)
- Die Siedler von Catan: Seefahrer-Erweiterung Ergänzungssatz
- Żeglarze z Catanu: Dodatek dla 5-6 graczy
- Οι θαλασσοπόροι του Κατάν 5-6 παίκτες
- Колонизаторы: Мореходы – Расширение для 5-6 игроков
- 卡坦島海洋5-6人擴充