Un 6 politico per un gioco che ha un "tema" investigativo che mi ha sempre intrigato ma dalle meccaniche povere e ripetitive fino alla nausea. Sicuramente carino per neofiti , ma è meglio passare a cloni più avanzati tipo "Il Mistero dell'Abbazia".
The classic detective game! In Clue, players move from room to room in a mansion to solve the mystery of: who done it, with what, and where? Players are dealt character, weapon, and location cards after the top card from each card type is secretly placed in the confidential file in the middle of the board. Players must move to a room and then make an accusation against a character saying they did it in that room with a specific weapon. The player to the left must show one of any cards accused to the accuser if in that player's hand. Through deductive reasoning each player must figure out which character, weapon, and location are in the secret file. To do this, each player must uncover what cards are in other players hands by making more and more accusations. Once a player knows what cards the other players are holding, they will know what cards are in the secret file. A great game for those who enjoy reasoning and thinking things out.
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Periodo di recensioni "classiche" eh? Bene, dopo 5 a Monopoli e 6 a Risiko, con Cluedo sarò spietato. Mi ha fatto sempre schifo, è lento, lentissimo, noioso fino all'inverosimile. Non sono obiettivo, non ne parlo in maniera distaccata, mi viene in mente solo la noia, e questo prende tutti gli aspetti positivi che può avere e li scarica allegramente nella tazza.
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