George Hamilton & Jim Chapman Promo will be available with Nightmare expansion.
George Hamilton
Level 1 (2): During your turn, you can trash a card with "Herb" in its name from your hand. If it was a green herb, you get +1 Action this turn. If it was a red herb, you get +1 Explore this turn.
Level 2 (6): At the beginning of your turn, you can reveal X cards with "Herb" in its name from your hand. In that case, you get +X number of cards.
Jim Chapman
Level 1 (3): When Jim Explores, you can flip a coin. If heads, 1 weapon Jim uses this turn deal double Damage this turn. If tails, Jim takes 10 Damage.
Level 2(7): During your turn, when an infected is reveled, you can gain 2x "Ammox10". In that case, move all Reveled Infected to the bottom of the Mansion
- Resident Evil Deck Building Game: George Hamilton & Jim Chapman Promo
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