Un gioco di parole che ha fatto storia. Forse, tra i giochi "mainstream" è quello più piacevole da giocare, ma le alternative ci sono.
In this classic word game, players use their seven drawn letter-tiles to form words on the gameboard. Each word laid out earns points based on the commonality of the letters used, with certain board spaces giving bonuses. But a word can only be played if it uses at least one already-played tile or adds to an already-played word. This leads to slightly tactical play, as potential words are rejected because they would give an opponent too much access to the better bonus spaces.
Skip-a-cross was licensed by Selchow & Righter and manufactured by Cadaco. Both games have identical rules but Skip-a-cross has tiles and racks made of cardboard instead of wood. The game was also published because not enough Scrabble games were manufactured to meet the demand.
- Scrabble
- 70 éves a Scrabble!
- Alfa-Pet
- Alfapet
- Alfapet Original
- Board-script
- BoardScript
- Buchstaben Yolo
- Cris Cros
- Crossword
- Crucigrama
- Deluxe Edition Scrabble Brand Crossword Game
- Deluxe Turntable Scrabble
- Deluxe Wood Edition Scrabble
- Dilema
- Dilema
- Funworder
- Game Folio Edition Scrabble
- Das grosse Scrabble
- Inflatable Scrabble
- Intelect
- Intelect Luxe
- Krafla
- Kriblekryds
- Kris Kros
- KrisKros Klasik
- Krossgátuspilið
- Labo 1
- Large Print Scrabble
- Literati
- Magnet Scrabble
- No.71 Deluxe Scrabble Crossword Game
- Optimots
- Palavras Cruzadas
- Pensante
- Pocket Scrabble
- Reis Scrabble
- Reise-Scrabble
- Riti-Rati
- Scrabble 70 años
- Scrabble 70 Jahre
- Scrabble 70 lat
- Scrabble Brand Crossword Game
- Scrabble Brand Crossword Game Deluxe Edition
- Scrabble Brand Crossword Game Edición en Español
- Scrabble Classique
- Scrabble Crossword Game
- Scrabble Crossword Game: Deluxe Travel Edition
- Scrabble Crossword Game: German Edition
- Scrabble Crossword Game: Russian Edition
- Scrabble De Luxe
- Scrabble De Luxe mit elektronischem Timer
- Scrabble de Voyage
- Scrabble Deluxe Edition
- Scrabble Deluxe Giant Edition
- Scrabble Deluxe Travel Edition
- Scrabble Foreign Language: Hebrew
- Scrabble Géant
- Scrabble im Geschenkschuber
- Scrabble Kompakt
- Scrabble Large Type Edition
- Scrabble mit Drehkreuz
- Scrabble Onyx Edition
- Scrabble Original
- Scrabble Platinum Edition
- Scrabble to Go
- Scrabble XL
- Scrabble yn Gymraeg
- Scrabble: Club-Sonderausgabe
- Scrabble: Dialekt-Edition Bairisch
- Scrabble: Dialekt-Edition Berlinerisch
- Scrabble: Dialekt-Edition Kölsch
- Scrabble: Edición Española
- Scrabble: Electronic Scoring
- Scrabble: Elite Access
- Scrabble: Game Folio Edition
- Scrabble: Große Buchstaben
- Scrabble: Jubiläumsausgabe
- Scrabble: L'originale in Italiano
- Scrabble: Millennium
- Scrabble: Originál
- Scrabble: Originál
- Scrabble: Originalet
- Scrabble: Prestige
- Scrabble: The Glass Edition
- Scrabble: Vintage Edition
- Signature Edition Scrabble Crossword Game
- Skip-A-Cross
- Tasku Scrabble
- Tile Lock Scrabble
- Travel Scrabble
- Travel Scrabble De Luxe
- Word for Word Crossword Game
- World's Smallest Scrabble
- Скрабл Дорожный
- Скрабъл Оригинал
- שבץ-נא
- 스크래블 오리지널