Game description from the publisher:
What if the Keepers of the Elven Rings had used their Rings of Power to challenge the might of the Dark Lord? What if the Balrog had risen out of Moria to bring fire and fury to the lands of the Free Peoples? What if the Council of Elrond had decided differently regarding the Fellowship of the Ring?
With Lords of Middle-earth, the first expansion for the War of the Ring (second edition) board game, players may explore these possibilities together with many other ones to create fresh gaming opportunities and new strategies.
Important personalities, previously featured in the game only through Event Cards, are represented by specific figures and rules. New Characters include Elrond, Galadriel, Sméagol, Gothmog and the powerful Balrog of Moria, as well as alternate versions of Gandalf, the Witch-king and the Mouth of Sauron.
New special Action Dice are included: Elven Ring Keepers dice for the Free Peoples player and Lesser Minion dice for the Shadow player. New versions of all the Companions of the Fellowship of the Ring are also included, to play the optional "Council of Rivendell" rules.
As an added bonus, figures for Aragorn and Gandalf the White are provided, accessories to the game that fans have been eagerly awaiting!
This is your chance to forge the destiny of an age...
- War of the Ring: Lords of Middle-earth
- Guerra del Anillo: Señores de la Tierra Media
- La Guerra dell'Anello: I Signori della Terra di Mezzo
- Guerra do Anel: Senhores da Terra-Média
- La Guerre de l'Anneau: les Seigneurs de la Terre du Milieu
- Der Ringkrieg: Die Herren von Mittelerde
- Válka o prsten: Páni Středozemě
- Wojna o Pierścień: Panowie Śródziemia
- Война Кольца: Владыки Средиземья
Voti e commenti per War of the Ring: Lords of Middle-earth
Piccola espansione imprescindibile per La Guerra dell'Anello, aggiunge importanti personaggi sia per i popoli liberi sia per l'ombra, oltre a nuove carte e alcune piccole interessanti varianti come ulteriori dadi azione collegati ai nuovi personaggi. Non meno importante il fatto che aggiungere questa espansione di fatto non appesantisce ne allunga il gioco ma semplicemente ne va a migliorare aluni piccoli dettagli. Iper consigliata.
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