FUTURO Prestige: A City-Building Game [Backerkit 9 luglio 2024]


Grande Goblin
Like a Ninja 1 anno con i Goblins! 5 anni con i Goblins! First reaction SHOCK!
21 Agosto 2014
Commands & Colors Ancients
Gioco di carte semicooperativo asimmetrico per 1-4 giocatori che devono costruire insieme una grande città dell'antichità
Backerkit https://www.backerkit.com/call_to_action/530bc777-f673-4c97-8c3a-739dbaf52e53/landing
Non più attiva Kickstarter https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/oakloungegames/prestige-a-city-building-game?ref=discovery
Bgg https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/368678/prestige-city-building-game
Prestige is an asymmetrical, semi-cooperative, city-building, card game in which players must collaborate to build a great ancient city to stand as a testament to their civilization's prestige for generations to come, or fail and be forgotten to time. Players will share economic resources, city-building cards, and defeat. However, if they succeed, only the leader of the tribe most represented in the city will be remembered throughout all of time.
The game can be enjoyed solo, or with up to four players, and is played using city-building cards and economic resource tokens. Each player takes the mantle of a Tribal Leader over one of six unique tribes, each with their own focus and deck of city-building cards. As Tribal Leaders, players must negotiate with one another to play cards from their own tribe, to enhance their dominion over the city, while also ensuring the city doesn't fall to chaos or destruction due to their selfishness.
Pulling from a shared deck of compiled city-building cards, players take turns either placing or discarding cards from their hand. When placed, this card will trigger positive (or negative)effects based on the type(s) of cards adjacent in the play area. However, when a card is discarded, it is considered unplayable for the rest of the game and attracts attention from prowling Invaders who wish to do harm to the city. Each action must be carefully balanced to pursue one's own personal interests while maintaining the health of the shared city.
Ultima modifica:
Alto Basso