Ecco le nomination dell'International Game Awards
Multiplayer Games
Antiquity (Jeroen Doumen and Joris Wiersinga)
Carcassonne: The City (Klaus-Jürgen Wrede)
Diamant (Alan R. Moon and Bruno Faidutti)
Around the World in 80 Days (Michael Rieneck)
Keythedral (Richard Breese)
Louis XIV (Rüdiger Dorn)
Reef Encounter (Richard Breese)
Shadows Over Camelot (Serge Laget and Bruno Cathala)
Struggle of Empires (Martin Wallace)
Ticket to Ride: Europe (Alan R. Moon)
Ubongo (Grzegorz Rejchtman)
Ys (Cyril Demaegd)
Two-Player Games
Dungeon Twister (Christophe Boelinger)
Fjords (Franz-Benno Delonge)
Jambo (Rüdiger Dorn)
Oceania (Klaus Teuber)
Roma (Stefan Feld)
War of the Ring (Roberto Di Meglio, Marco Maggi, Francesco Nepitello)
Ecco le nomination dell'International Game Awards
Scritto da liga il 31/08/2005
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