First of all thanks very much for your kindness and quick reply to our request for a short interview and by the way congratulation for the new game released in Essen (Orlèans), it seems like it’s getting a lot of good buzz.
And we are with some quick questions:
. Where were you born and what did you do before becoming a game designer?
Dove sei nato e cosa facevi prima di diventare un game designer?
I am born in Aachen at the german/dutch/belgian border, where I work and live today. Before I worked as a designer and publisher of games I was editor for the local newspaper.
Sono nato a Aachen (Aquisgrana), vicino al confine Tedesco/olandese/belga, dove ancora vivo e lavoro. Prima di lavorare come game designer ed editore di giochi era direttore di un giornale locale.
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