E' cosa fatta!
Spielbox uscira' anche in edizione inglese a partire dal numero di febbraio (questo!).
L'edizione inglese sara' disponibile due settimane dopo quella tedesca.
Chi e' abbonato all'edizione tedesca puo' cambiare e proseguire con quella inglese.
Leggete l'annucio in inglese con i collegamenti per abbonarvi (45 euro, 7 numeri)
Barbara Nostheide
thank you very much for your voting for the English version of spielbox. Here is our decision: We will do it J! Of course it will be translated by a native speaker!
The magazine will be published in English for the worldwide market, beginning with the upcoming issue no. 1/2010 in February. The English version will be available about two weeks after each German edition. spielbox is already being published in its 30th year, since 1992 by w. nostheide verlag. Currently there are seven issues per year. For subscriptions please order here:
or visit our webshop www.spielbox-shop.de (single issues are available only at the webshop).
Subscribers who already get the German version of course can change to the English version. In this case please just write me an email (barbara@nostheide.de).
Subscribers overseas who already payed 60.85 Euro for there subscription will get one issue more because the price for the English spielbox is only 56.00 Euro now. Shipping costs depend on the weight and quantity, so we can sale the subscription cheaper.
Best regards