Il 25 giugno a Columbus ho assististo alla premiazione degli Award per il 2003, in occasione della 30ma edizione di Origins.
La cerimonia e' durata un paio di ore, ma non posso nascondervi il mio imbarazzo per come il tutto si sia svolto. Senza nulla togliere alla daVinci che ha portato a casa due statuette grazie alla sua edizione Mayfair, e a cui aggiungo i miei personali complimenti, ritengo di poter utilizzare senza tema di smentita la parola scandaloso riferendomi alla lista dei giochi che hanno partecipato agli Awards.
Pur potendomi ritenere un esperto del campo dei giochi, non conosco neanche un terzo dei giochi presentati per gli Award, mentre nel caso del premio per il gioco dell'anno in germania (SDJ) conoscevo 20 dei 25 giochi proposti. Al contrario saltano agli occhi e gridano vendetta delle evidenti omissioni nella lista dei giochi propsti per il premio. Andeas Seifarth, che era presente con me alla cerimonia, ha mosso le stesse osservazioni che io sto scrivendo in questo articolo, ed una breve indagine, che abbiamo promosso mostrando in giro la lista dei giochi e raccogliendo le impressioni, ha ampiamente confermato la discutibile generazione della lista dei giochi proposti.
E' possibile che io abbia travisato l'obiettivo della manifestazione o e' altresi' possibile che dietro la lista ci siano meccanismi che io non conosco o non sono in grado di apprezzare e valutare correttamente. In questa ipotesi chiedo scusa e mi rimangio tutto, ma resto con l'amaro in bocca.
Datemi la vostra impressione votando il sondaggio allegato
I vincitori degli Origins Awards 2003
(piu' in basso l'intera lista dei giochi selezionati)
Gioco dell'anno: Indy HeroClix -- WizKids
Abstract Board Game: Zendo -- Looney Labs
Board Expansion: Zombies 3: Mallwalkers -- Twilight Creations
Card Expansion: Game of Thrones: Fire & Ice Expansion -- FFG
Fantasy Minis Rules: WarMachine -- Privateer Press
Fantasy Minis Series: WarMachine -- Privateer Press
Fiction, Long: Book of Final Flesh -- Eden
Fiction, Short: Podo and the Magic Shield -- WizKids
Fiction, Graphic: Everybody Loves Gilly -- Dork Storm
Periodical: Dragon -- Paizo
Book Design: Redhurst Academy of Magic -- Human Head
Card Design: Bang! -- Mayfair
Board Design: A Game of Thrones -- FFG
Historical Board: Attack! -- Eagle Games
Historical Minis Rules: El Cid -- Warhammer Historical
Historical Minis Series: 28mm Ancient Celts -- Renegade Miniatures
Minis Accessories or Terrain: Aurora Class Drop Ship -- WizKids
PBM: Starweb -- Flying Buffalo
RPG Adventure: Black Sails over Freeport -- Green Ronin Publishing
RPG: Angel -- Eden
RPG Supplement: Redhurst Academy of Magic -- Human Head
Sci-Fi Minis Rules: Shadowrun Duels -- WizKids
Sci-Fi Minis Series: Mechwarrior Liao Incursion -- WizKids
TCG: .hack//ENEMY -- Decipher
Traditional Board: A Game of Thrones -- Fantasy Flight Games
Traditional Card: Bang! -- Mayfair
Gamers' Choice Awards
Board Game: A Game of Thrones Board Game -- FFG
Card Game: Munchkin Fu -- Steve Jackson
RPG: Savage Worlds -- Pinnacle/Great White Games
Minis: War Machine -- Privateer Press
Periodical: Knights of the Dinner Table -- Kenzer & Company
PBM: Middle Earth Play-By-Mail -- GSI
Game Aid: Bag o’ Zombies -- Twilight Creations
Electronic: Pyramid Online -- Steve Jackson
Historical: Settlers of the Stone Age -- Mayfair
La lista completa dei giochi proposti divisi per categoria
Best Abstract Board Game
Chief Herman's Next big Thing from Cheapass Games
Creepy Freaks from WizKids LLC
Ideology, the War of Ideas from Z-Man Games
Monkey, Ninja, Pirate, Robot Deluxe from Atomic Sock Monkey Press
Zendo, the Icehouse Game with the Buddha Nature from Looney Labs
Best Historical Board Game
Attack! from Eagle Games
Great Pacific War, from Avalanche Press
Senjutsu from Salvador Games
Settlers of the Stone Age, from Mayfair Games
Soldier Emperor, from Avalanche Press
Best Traditional Board Game
A Game of Thrones Board Game, from Fantasy Flight Games
Age of Mythology: the Boardgame, from Eagle Games
Dork Tower, from Steve Jackson Games
Dwarven Dig!, from Kenzer & Company
Indy HeroClix, from WizKids LLC
Best Board Game Expansion
Attack! Expansion from Eagle Games
Distant Oceans from Avalanche Press
Marvel HeroClix: Critical Mass from WizKids LLC
Zombies 3.5: Not Dead Yet from Twilight Creations
Zombies 3: Mallwalkers from Twilight Creations
Best Graphic Design of a Board Game or Expansion
A Game of Thrones Board Game, from Fantasy Flight Games
Dork Tower Board Game from Steve Jackson Games
Dwarven Dig from Kenzer & Company
Pirate's Cove from Days of Wonder
Settlers of the Stone Age, from Mayfair Games
Best Trading Card Game
.hack//ENEMY Trading Card Game, from Decipher, Inc.
Cyberpunk Collectible Card Game, from Social Games
Ophidian 2350, Fleer/Sky Box International
The Simpsons Trading Card Game, from Wizards of the Coast
Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files, from Score Entertainment
Best Traditional Card Game
Bang! from Mayfair Games
Kung Fu Samurai on Giant Robot Island, from Z-Man Games
Munchkin Fu, from Steve Jackson Games
Nobody But Us Chickens, from Diet Evil Games
Torches & Pitchforks, from Green Ronin Publishing
Best Card Game Expansion
A Game of Thrones: Ice and Fire Edition from Fantasy Flight Games
Legend of the Five Rings: Diamond Edition from AEG
Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game: Return of the King, from Decipher, Inc
Munchkin 3: Clerical Errors from Steve Jackson Games
Shadowfist: Red Wedding from Z-Man Games
Best Graphic Design of a Card Game or Expansion
Bang! from Mayfair Games
Give Me the Brain, Special Edition from Cheapass Games
Magic: the Gathering Mirrodin Expansion, from Wizards of the Coast
Spooks from Steve Jackson Games
Torches & Pitchforks from Green Ronin Publishing
Best Fantasy Miniatures Rules
Celtos from I-Kore
Dwarf Wars from West Wind Productions
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Strategy Battle Game from Games Workshop
Mage Knight 2.0 from WizKids, LLC
Warmachine from Privateer Press
Best Fantasy Miniatures Series
Dork Tower Miniatures from Steve Jackson Games
Elmore Masterworks series from Dark Sword Miniatures
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King series from Games Workshop
Mage Knight 2.0 series from WizKids, LLC
Warmachine series from Privateer Press
Best Science Fiction Miniatures Rules
Diceland: Space, from Cheapass Games
Final Days, from Kenzer & Company
Prehistoric War PIGs, from Inner City Games Designs
Shadowrun Duels, from WizKids, LLC
Supersystem Showdown, from West Wind Productions
Best Science Fiction Miniatures Series
Mech Warrior: Liao Incursion, from WizKids LLC
Aerotech 2: Drop Ships, Jumpships & Warships, from Iron Wind Metals
Ogre Mk VI, from Steve Jackson Games
Street Violence, from Wargames Foundry
Silver Age Sentinels 30mm Superhero Miniatures, from Guardians of Order
Best Historical Miniatures Rules
Classical Hack, 2nd Edition, LMW Works
El Cid, Warhammer Historical Wargames, Ltd.
High Tide, Clash of Arms
Santa Anna Rules, 2nd Edition, Jodie Press
Shield Wall, Warhammer Historical Wargames, Ltd.
Best Historical Miniatures Series
25mm Dracula and the Turkish Frontier series, from Old Glory Miniatures UK
28mm Ancient Celts series, from Renegade Miniatures
28mm Back of Beyond series, from Copplestone Casting
28mm El Cid series, from Gripping Beast
28mm WWII Elite Forces, from Wargames Foundry
Best Miniatures Accessory or Terrain
Aurora-Class Drop Ship, from WizKids, LLC
Delux Skirmishpack, from Charon Productions
Euro Village Series II Corner Inn, from Miniatures Building Authority
Gael Longhouse, from I-Kore
Lord of the Rings: Return of the KingRuins of Middle Earth, from Games Workshop
Best Game Aid or Accessory
Bag o' Zombies from Twilight Creations
Dirt Cheep Cityscapes from Microtactix Games
Larry Elmore Clip Art & Color Customizing Studio, Elmore Productions
Mage Knight 3D Dungeon Tiles from WizKids, LLC
The Mongoose Pocket Player's Handbook, from Mongoose Publishing
Best Game-Related Fiction, Long Form
By Temptations and By War (for MechWarrior: Dark Age) from WizKids, LLC
Forged (for Oathbound) from Bastion Press
Journey Into the Void (for Sovereign Stone) from HarperCollins
Sabbat Martyr for (Warhammer 40,000) from The Black Library
The Book of Final Flesh (for All Flesh Must Be Eaten) from Eden Studios
Best Game-Related Fiction, Short Form
"Podo and the Magic Shield" (for Mage Knight) from WizKids, LLC
"Grass and Sea" (for Skull and Bones) from Green Ronin Publishing
"Igor's Last Date (The Legend of Serape Bob)" (for Dork Tower) from Dork Storm Press
"The Night Chicago Died" for All Flesh Must Be Eaten, from Eden Studios
"The Price of Freedom" (for Mage Knight) from WizKids, LLC
Best Game-Related Graphic Fiction
"Air Action" (for Crimson Skies) from WizKids, LLC
"Everybody Loves Gilly" from Snapdragons, Dork Storm Press
"Kayleigh's Back" (for Dork Tower) from Dork Storm Press
"Lord of the Hirelings: Return of the Bling-Bling" (for Nodwick) from Dork Storm Press
"Tears for Everyman" (for Mutants & Masterminds) from Green Ronin Publishing
Best Game-Related Periodical
Dragon Magazine, from Paizo Publishing
Dungeon Magazine from Paizo Publishing
InQuest Gamer from Wizard Entertainment
Knights of the Dinner Table, from Kenzer & Company
Pyramid Online from Steve Jackson Games
Best Play-By-Mail Game
Button Men Web Game, from Cheapass Games
Immortal's Realm, from Harlequin Games
Imperial Wars, from Intelligent Life Games
Middle Earth Play By Mail Game, from GSI, Inc.
Starweb, from Flying Buffalo, Inc.
Best Roleplaying Game
Angel Roleplaying Game, from Eden Studios
Cartoon Action Hour, Z-Man Games
Savage Worlds, from Pinnacle/Great White Games
High Adventure Role Playing, from Iron Crown Enterprises
Stargate SG1 Roleplaying Game, from AEG
Best Roleplaying Adventure
Black Sails Over Freeport, from Green Ronin Publishing
Champions Battlegrounds, Hero Games
The Village of Omelet: A Space Odyssey, from Steve Jackson Games
Time of Crisis, from Green Ronin Publishing
Xcrawl: Three Rivers Crawl, from Pandahead Productions
Best Roleplaying Supplement
A Magical Medieval Society: Western Europe, from Expeditious Retreat Press
Draconomicon: The Book of Dragons, from Wizards of the Coast
Redhurst: Academy of Magic, from Human Head Studios
Skull & Bones: Swashbuckling Horror in the Golden Age of Piracy from Green Ronin Publishing
Testament: Roleplaying in the Biblical Era, from Green Ronin Publishing
Best Graphic Design in Book Format
Angel Roleplaying Game Core Book, from Eden Studios
BESM D20 Deluxe Limited Edition, from Guardians of Order
Crooks! from Green Ronin Publishing
Draconomicon: the Book of Dragons, from Wizards of the Coast
Redhurst: Academy of Magic, from Human Head Studios