(from the 4th edition back box and user's description:)
Few games have been kept up to date as much as ANZIO has. Revised and revised again, a good game has gotten better and better. Played on a 44" X 14~ mapboard of Italy, the game recreates the Allied amphibious Invasions and campaigns to secure the peninsula leading to the heart of Europe. The Allies face not only the German and Italian armies, but some of the most varied terrain in the world.
Unit counters represent American, British, Greek, Canadian, Polish, French, Indian, German, and Italian forces. Order of Battles are available for a variety of mini-games and the campaign game, providing a highly versatile game of almost any duration and complexity.
The twenty-four page rule book is divided into a basic game and several advanced versions. Each advanced version adding more and more rules, complicating while making the game more realistic and adding the·feel of the actual problems, decisions, and actions of the campaign.
Game features include unit step reduction, naval bombardment, tactical airpower, paratroopers, limited intelligence, breakthrough combat, supply, stacking values, special terrain effects, and fortifications A gem for the hardcore gamer. Players can select their own combination of playability and realism. Probably the most underpublisized and under appreciated game around. A silent "Classic"
Playing Time- Two hours and Up
Basic Game: 4
Advanced Games: 7-10
(On a scale of 1-easy, 10-hard)
12.8 km (8 miles) per hex, 1 week per turn. Most units represent divisions.
- Anzio: The Struggle for Italy – 1943-1945
Voti e commenti per Anzio
Tosto. Un po' un mattone e non ricordo di averci mai giocato l'intera campagna......anche se allora avevo molto più tempo libero sic!
E' incentrato sulla campagna d'Italia. Uno dei rari giochi in cui le unità perdono valore come esito dei combattimenti e possono essere ricostituite utilizzando i rimpiazzi, 5 livelli di difficoltà e complessità crescenti. La mappa è molto bella copre l'Italia dalla Calabria al lago di Garda.
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Un altro gioco legato alla mia gioventù. Bellissimo ma molto lungo e impegantivo.
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Nonostante la grafica un po' ... datata (ma esiste una mappa "bellisima" rifatta apposta dalla GMT per gli abbonati a C3i) uno dei più bei wargames sull'intera Campagna d'Italia - [Autore del commento: obelix]
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Giocato parecchie volte... alla versione base. Intrigante per il tema italiano, ma anche davvero ben realizzato. Non a caso, ripubblicato in più edizioni.
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