Uno dei più brutti giochi di carte sulla WWII (non mi spiego la presenza dei carri allegorici, forse era carnevale quando l'hanno tradotto), non sprecate inchiostro e carta per stamparlo
BattleFront is a Cardgame for 2 players set during the WWII conflict.
The players fight for victory during battles on 5 different fronts:
- right
- right/center
- center
- left/center
- left
Win the first to achieve definitive victory on 3 of the 5 fronts.
Players draws their cards from a common card deck made of 70 cards.
The cards are divided into 7 categories, each of them is composed by 10 cards with a value from 1 to 10.
The 7 categories are:
- Leader
- Troops
- Planes
- Tanks
- Ballistic
- Strategy
- Fortifications
Each turn consists of 3 different phases:
2.Line Up
Each player draw 7 cards.
Place 1 card on the board. (one each player)
Sum the force (value on each cards) to decide who wins on different “fronts”.
The front is considered “secured” after 3 wins in a row.
- BattleFront