Il gioco "espresso" che stimola i neuroni senza caffeina!
Dovrai portare per primo tazzine e piatrtini sul ordo opposto della pista.
Jumpin' java è un gioco semplice e divertente che potrai proporre con piacere ai tuoi ospiti e che avrà un posto d'onore accanto al tuo servizio da caffè!
Questo carinissimo cofanetto di legno contiene 4 tazzine e 4 piattini, una pista da gioco pieghevole e le regole del gioco.
Bewitch, the game of "Mind Reading." Manufactured by Selchow & Righter, 1964. For 2-4 players. The Game of 'Bewitch' is a rapid-round family board game wherein players are tempted to outmaneuver one another by anticipating decisions and reactions to the pattern of past plays, hence using their mystical powers. This is a game that has 60's abstract art, as well as a creepy witch doctor/ESP theme. Each player has three witch doctor cards. After secretly choosing one of the three witch doctor cards, each player presents their choice in manner similar to paper/scissors/rocks. Winning player then draws a card from the stock or from their opponent's discard pile. In a three or four player game, players three and four can also steal cards from other players under certain circumstances. Goal is to be the first to accumulate all ten animal cards OR be the first player to move their pawn 10 spaces.
- Bewitch
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