Associative cardgame, aimed at kids.
The goal is to win the most cards. A rotating starting player is the "judge" of the round. Each player has 5 handcards.
The judge rolls a special dice with 3 characters. Depending on which character is rolled, the other players have to
- The judge draws a card from the stack, the others play a card from their hand and tell their association between the drawn card and their card. The judge decides who has the best association, that players gets the drawn card and puts it aside (= 1 point)
- The judge draws a card from the stack, the others play 2 cards from their hand and make up a story that connects these 2 cards with the card drawn by the judge. Again the judge decides who has the best story. That player gets the drawn card and puts it aside.
- The others play a card which they feel resembles themselves the most. The judge collects and shuffles them. Then the judge tries to connect each card to the player and keeps every card which is connected to the right player.
- Bla Bla Bla