Enemy Versions of each of the unlocked Hunters - increasing the variety even further! Thought coming across the savage Scourge Beasts or frenzied Hunter Mobs was bad? It'll be even worse when you're suddenly onslaughted by the rapid-attacks of a Hunter utilizing the Blade of Mercy! But watch out as well, you'll need to be quick on your feet should you instead come across a foe looking to pound you into gore with the mighty Kirkhammer! Includes: Saw Cleaver, Threaded Cane, Hunter Axe, Ludwig's Holy Blade, Spear Rifle, Chikage, and Beast Claw. Contents: 7 enemy miniatures, 7 enemy cards, 7 mini-boss spawn cards, 1 firearm card, 6 reward cards.
- Bloodborne: The Board Game – Hunter's Dream Extras/Enemies