Non è sicuramente coinvolgente come Tales Of Evil, è molto più semplice oserei dire poco più di un filler.
Ottimo se volete fare una partita breve e siete amanti degli anni '80.
In Boogeyman you will play intrepid kids struggling with the classic nightmare: The Boogeyman. Nobody knows who he is and what he wants, but he certainly loves children who, however, do not intend to become a part of his dinner. No one knows his real face, but it is said that he is scary beyond the wildest imagination and, as if that were not enough, the kids will have to try and escape from the clutches of Jennifer, a psychopathic babysitter. What will happen? Will they be able to survive the long night? Will they manage not to get caught by the Babysitter and overcome their fears? Or will Boogeyman get the better of all of them? —description from the designer
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