Il voto del prode Sir Alric è 7: merita considerazione e la dovuta attenzione.
In Bullet♥︎, players take on the role of heroines in a far-flung future Earth and use their incredible powers to defend the Earth from evil — as well as from one another! Each heroine's powers manifest in a different form, with players controlling sound, paper, technology, gravity, triangles, and more! Turns are simultaneous. Place bullets in your sight, with the color of bullet determining the column and the number how far down in that column it is placed. Use actions to manipulate bullets to form configurations matching your patterns. Using a pattern removes bullets from your sight and sends them to the opponent. When placing bullets, you skip over existing bullets in the column you place it in, with the bullet hitting you if it is placed off your sight. At the end of the turn, you'll gain even more bullets from the center bag as well as what the opponent sent, ensuring each new turn is more hectic than the last! Choosing what order to place bullets, use actions, and use patterns in is key to staying alive as long as possible! Playing with the optional timer makes for even more intense play! Bullet♥︎ includes eight heroines to play and four game modes: Battle Royale Mode: 2–4 players can duel in a free-for-all puzzle battle that plays in real-time! Boss Battle Mode: 1–4 players can combine forces to survive against a single boss; the game includes eight bosses, one corresponding to each heroine. Score Attack Mode: A lone player can play for a high score against increasingly difficult odds. Team Battle Mode: Two teams of two players battle it out! The last team standing wins. —description from the publisher
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