Description from the back cover:
'"C’era una volta" brings Role Playing to children keeping it faithful to its principles. It is an education bold choice. A challenge. The adults, probably the parents, by playing with their children will learn to know them better and, most importantly, this will enable the children to know them better as well.Perhaps they will also be able to learn that this Role Playing Game, or others if they will, it is not only for the children.'
Luca Giuliano
"C’era una volta" is a book... but first of all a game. The goal is to tell a story all together and the fun is about interpreting the roles of the characters of the story.
"Once upon a time" is a Role Playing Game set in the world of fairy tales; you will be able to meet fairies and leprechauns, to walk with Puss in Boots, talk to small busy pigs and discuss about strategies with conceited donkeys, you shall fight against restless ghosts and defend from evil witches.
In a Role Playing Game there are no winners nor losers, one plays "let’s pretend that..."
Francesco Lutrario
- C'era una volta
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