Alcune idee carine ci sono ma il titolo mi pare troppo semplice e senza grande appeal. Forse facendo tutta la campagna migliora ma non ho avuto voglia di espolarlo oltre dopo una partita.
CloudAge is a strategy game from Alexander Pfister and Arno Steinwender. The award-winning authors have created a dark and dystopian world for 1 to 4 players. Fifteen years ago, the mysterious secret society "Cloud" set fire to countless oil production sites and burned down large forests to destabilize the world. The resulting environmental catastrophe had disastrous effects on the entire planet. Now, years later, you travel above the dried-out landscape in your airships, searching for a better life. You visit cities, send out drones to collect resources, and battle Cloud militia. An innovative sleeving mechanism makes a new, more immersive, form of resource gathering possible. Players try to predict which cloud-covered terrain will contain the desired amount of resources or where additional actions are possible. Resources allow players to develop useful upgrades for their airships or attract new crew members. CloudAge is a mix of engine-building, deck-building, and resource management. The campaign system makes it easy to start playing quickly, with new elements being introduced into the game as players progress through the chapters. While you play, you also experience and help guide the story. If you prefer, you can also play standalone story spin-offs as single scenarios. —description from the publisher
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Pfister realizza a quattro mani un family game non troppo pretenzioso ma facile da imparare, con modalità campagna e scenario e con diversi livelli di difficoltà. Da giocare comunque nella versione completa. E' presente inoltre la compagna in solitario. Nessun twist originale ma solo un gimmick originale nella raccolta risorse.
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