From the back of the book:
Cthulhu Dark Ages is a complete roleplaying game presenting the era of the Dark Ages (C. 1000 A.D.) and the continuing threat posed by the denizens of the Cthulhu Mythos as described by H.P. Lovecraft, the Lovecraft circle of writers and the works of Chaosium, Inc.
From Chaosium's Website:
Call of Cthulhu Roleplaying in the Year 1000 AD
The Dark Ages world is filled with life, death, and the pain of old age. Vengeful hordes wash across the world. Petty warlords fight among themselves like ravenous dogs. Disease runs rampant. Illiterate city-folk and simple farmers dread that which lurks in the dark. And in the greatest abbeys, a few know of forbidden books that speak of blasphemy and of those who would destroy the world of god-fearing men and women.
"The living close the eyes of the dead,
but it is the dead that open the eyes of the living." Old Slavic saying
950 A.D. — The Byzantine Theodorus Philetas translates the al-Azif into Greek and renames it the Necronomicon. It will be more than a century before this blasphemous tome is finally condemned, and most copies destroyed.
During these hundred years, when manuscript copies of the Necronomicon covertly pass from hand to hand, mankind almost yields to the uncaring forces of the Cthulhu Mythos. The dark young of Shub-Niggurath infest the boundless forests, mi-go guard mountain passes, ghouls and miri-nigri haunt forgotten burial grounds, and deep ones plague coastal settlements.
In this world the last magi explore powers not meant for humans, and are lured to into the abode of Yog-Sothoth.
Cthulhu Dark Ages is a complete roleplaying game, using the intuitive and flexible Basic Roleplaying System used and developed by Chaosium for many years and is also used in our Call of Cthulhu game. If you know how to play one, you can play the other.
Cthulhu Dark Ages presents the era of the Dark Ages (c. 1000 A.D.) and the continuing threat posed by denizens of the Cthulhu Mythos as described by H. P. Lovecraft, the Lovecraft circle of writers, and the works of Chaosium Inc.
- Cthulhu Dark Ages
- Cthulhu 1000 AD
- Cthulhu Edad Oscura
- Il Richiamo di Cthulhu: I Secoli Bui
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