Along the lines of HeroQuest comes a much more heavily produced game called Dark World. One player is the evil lord who controls the dungeon in which the rest of the players move their characters from room to room, fighting monsters and gaining treasure. Real working treasure chests with magic weapons inside and the figures even get to put their new weapons in their character's hands.
- Dark World
- Dragon Game System
- Les Héros de l'Oeil Noir
- El Mundo de Korak
- Das Schwarze Auge
- Das Schwarze Auge: Burg des Schreckens
- Τελική αναμέτρηση: Ήρωες και Δράκοντες
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Bella la componentistica, geniale la forma del tabellone con pareti e la fossa dove nascondere le mani e i mostri. Semplicissimo e quasi banale. Meglio heroquest, molto meglio. Ma questo da cmq un senso al tipo di gioco, specie se giocato in più giocatori.
mah, ottimo da cannibalizzare per usarne pezzi e pezzetti per heroquest... per il resto un gioco per bimbi...
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