Darkest Night, by designer Jeremy Lennert, is a fully-cooperative board game set in a kingdom broken under a Necromancer’s shadow. Each player takes on the role of one of the kingdom’s last heroes, each with a unique set of special abilities, just as they hatch a plan to save the realm. Can you save the kingdom from darkness? Do you have the courage, the cunning and the will to withstand the necromancer and his forces? Strategize, plan and bring out the best of your abilities to end our Darkest Night!
- Darkest Night: Second Edition
Voti e commenti per Darkest Night (Second Edition)
Ottimo gioco, sopratutto per il solitario. Riesce a donare ore di divertimento anche grazie al setup variabile e alla miriade di personaggi da giocare. Un bel puzzle game con elementi american/fantasy
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