Background. Starting in the mid-1950s, Italy went through an unprecedented industrial and economic growth that lasted well into the mid-1960s. This period in Italian history is referred to as "Miracolo Economico Italiano" (Italian Economic Miracle) or "Boom Economico Italiano" (Italian Economic Boom). The economy runs at full speed, national income grows and people are employment rates reach new records. The reasons for this growth were the favorable international economic situation and the abundance of labor supply. Exports were also a major stimulus for the development of the country's industrial fabric. These years brought extraordinary transformations that affected the lifestyle and customs of Italians, accompanied by a marked increase in living standards. Numerous consumer goods, such as the first washing machines, the first refrigerators and the first television sets, began to enter the homes of Italian families, forever changing the lives of Italians. In Dolcissima Vita 2-4 players are entrerpreneurs who produce televisions, washing machines and refrigerators and sell them in Italy. Most actions in the game are carried out by a very clever dice selection system. The sum of dice pips allows players to conduct basic and advanced actions, while dice colors let players advance on four different tracks (Workers, Scientific Research, Maintenance and Solidarity), which have various effects on the course of the game. Dolcissima Vita features 35 colorful Event Cards of Italian history from 1955 to 1968. These cards change the conditions of the game, either permanently or temporarily. Dolcissima Vita is the first volume in Spielworxx´ 'Italian Trilogy', dedicated to Italian history after World War II.
- Dolcissima Vita