This solo game contains 1 player pawn, 1 starting tile, 11 donjon tiles and an inventory sheet. Phase 1 (setup): Shuffle the donjon tiles into a deck then place them, one by one, by connecting each new tile with at least one square of the tiles already at play. Phase 2 (exploration): Move your pawn, one square at a time (without going through a wall or on a square you've already stepped on), collect the money pouches, the items, the weapons as you go and keep track of the on your inventory sheet. You can carry only two weapons at a time. You need the weapon corresponding to the monsters you encounter to defeat them. If you don't possess the right weapon, you loose all the money you gathered, if you don't have any money, you die. The key is needed to go through the locked gate. The game end if you die (0 points) or if you cannot move any further. Add the points granted by the money pouches (multiplied by 2 if you went through the locked gate) and the defeated ennemies track. Results : - less than 20 pts: cheap hero - 21 to 40 pts: mediocre hero - 41 to 60 pts: newbie hero - 61 to 80 pts: experienced hero - more than 80: highly qualified hero
- Donjonz