To trust is good, not to trust is better. Five weary warriors, on a journey for a mysterious dungeon rumored to be filled with precious gemstones. But there is hitch: ferocious monsters are guarding the gems! If the warriors join forces they can defeat them. But the coward who, blinded by his greed, will not fight seriously might get his companions punished by the monsters! The warrior who will remain loyal and will betray at the right time is the genuine hero of this game. In Dungeon Busters, the players take the role of heroes exploring dungeons and defeating monsters in search of treasures. In order to defeat a monster, every player simultaneously plays a power card face-down then reveals the values. If two or more players play the same value, they are all ignored. If players are defeated the player who played the lowest value should return some treasures as a penalty. If players succeed to defeat the monster, players can divide rewards but the player who played the lowest value will go first. Japanese summary: 協力なくして勝利なし!裏切りなくして報酬なし! 手札に書かれた数字は武器の攻撃力であり勇気のバロメーター。 より弱い武器で挑めば宝石を得るチャンスと共に、死の危険も迫ります。涼しい顔して嘘をつき、仲間を裏切る事で、より沢山の宝石を手に入れることが出来ます。 真の敵は目の前のモンスター?それとも笑顔で話す隣のアイツ・・・? 「ダンゴーダンジョン!」は、仲間と協力しながら敵を倒しつつも、その仲間を出し抜き裏切る事で真の勝利を手に入れる、信頼と疑惑がせめぎ合う【(非)協力型カードゲーム】です。
- Dungeon Busters
- Downgo Dungeon
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- ダンゴーダンジョン!
- 進擊地下地
- 와글와글 던전