Explorers of the Woodlands is a forest-themed cooperative dice game / dungeon crawler for 1 to 4 players. It combines all the best of tile placement, exploration, rolling dice and bashing monsters in a gorgeous setting, and comes with a fast paced classic game mode and a campaign mode. Gameplay: In classic game mode, players will explore a forest of over 20 tiles. At the end of each forest, a boss will spawn and the players will have to defeat it to win the game! During the Exploration phase, each player adds one tile to the Forest, making it bigger and bigger. During the Adventure phase, each player will play their character in turn order. The active player rolls 4 hero dice and places them on their hero board to select and know what actions can be performed for the turn. Depending on the dice results, players get moves, special actions and unique abilities! Loot cards acquired while killing monsters or found in the forest and during events will also help the heroes reach their goal! In addition to the classic game mode, a 5-6 mission campaign will be added to the game for even greater replay value.
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