Every card is a doorway into a world: the Fantastory world. Invent exciting and fun new stories each time and then try and remember them. Shuffle the story cards, take the first 10 and place them face up on the table. The narrator tells a brief story taking inspiration from 5 or 6 of the 10 cards. When he tells a part of the story which refer to a card, the players should identify and indicate it. Once the story has ended, the narrator shuffles the 10 cards and place them faceup on the table. The game ends as the correct sequence of the story is reconstructed by the players.
- Fantastory
Voti e commenti per Fantastory
Stimolatore di fantasia in scatola. Azzeccatissimo x il targhet 3/5 anni proposto. Belle illustrazioni.
Mio figlio letteralmente lo adora, poter raccontare storie e starle ad ascoltare gli piace tantissimo.
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