In "Gossip Kitchen," players attempt to sort through the truth of the many rumors flying around. The deck consists of 10 types of rumors (each with its own symbol, such as a heart) with six cards each, for a total of 60 cards. To begin, one card is removed from play and all the remaining cards dealt out (distribution may be uneven). Players now seek to collect full sets of six rumor cards and deduce which rumor set is missing a card. Players ask another about their hand, e.g. "Do you have three hearts?" Players need only respond with an answer of "more" or "less" if the
number asked is incorrect, and play passes clockwise from the asking player. If the number asked is correct, the questioner receives those cards and play passes to the
answering player. Sets of six rumors collected are placed on the table and score three points. At any point, a player may guess which rumor group is missing, scoring 10 points
for a correct guess and taking a penalty of 5 points for an incorrect guess.
- Gerüchteküche
- Fábrica de Rumores
- Gerüchte Küche
- Geruchte Kuche
- Geruechte Kueche
- Gossip Factory
- Officine de Fausses Nouvelles