Bel gioco da 2 basato su combo di carte, con qualche twist degno di nota.
The Jalaanx universe is dominated by 8 Immortals, demigods engaged in conflicts since the dawn of time. Alliances are made and broken every time a new war comes. The Red Moon approaches, forge a new alliance and be prepared for an epic battle. Even if a military victory is always honorable, especially for the great Goan-Sul, a hidden 9th demigod offers new ways to win the battle... Gosu X is a combo card game in which players build up their army using the card from their deck made of 3 clans. Those clans are drafted at the start of the game, and the 2 unchosen one change the game rules ! A game is played in 3 rounds maximum. Each round, you will: Add cards to your Army (Troops, Heroes and Immortals) and trigger their effects. Engage in a Great Battle. The player with the strongest Army wins a Supremacy Token. Honor the Song for the Dead. Each player sacrifices half his army. There are several ways to win: get 2 Supremacy Tokens OR unlock 5 Activation Tokens OR have 15 face-up cards in your Army OR reach an alternate victory condition (Goan-Sul or Justice).
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