EN: Ready your magic cauldrons for an unusual challenge – one that requires exceptional skills! You’re studying at a world-renowned Witch Academy, where you find yourselves in Potions class. As novices, somewhat unsure, you start adding ingredients to your steaming cauldrons. But be careful – one wrong component, and the whole mixture might blow up spectacularly, leaving you with nothing more than clouds of smoke and a pile of penalty points! You must remember that brewing magic potions is a complex art. The contents of your cauldron may explode, earning you penalty points, while you’re doing everything in your power not to be the clumsiest witch in your school… Have fun brewing magic potions! Choose the starting player – they can be the person who last burnt something in the kitchen. Then, the players take their turns clockwise. During their turn, the active player plays one of their cards into one of the potions being brewed. They may try to avoid or, conversely, cause an explosion on purpose or out of necessity. A potion won’t explode if two of the following conditions are met: 1. The added ingredient card is either of the same colour as the potion (or is a black, wild card). AND 2. The sum of all ingredient card values for the potion is smaller than or equal to the potion card value. A potion will blow up in any of these two situations: 1. The added ingredient card matches the potion colour (or is a wild card) but the sum of ingredient card values in this row (after adding the card) exceeds the potion card value. OR 2. The added ingredient card doesn’t match the colour of the potion (and is not a wild card). Players have starting hand of cards. The game ends whenever any of these two circumstances arises: 1. During their turn, one of the players places their last owned ingredient card on the board without causing an explosion. If that’s the case, all players complete their turns. Then, their points are calculated OR 2. All potion cards have been taken by the players. In that case the game is immediately over." PL: Przygotujcie magiczne kocioÅ‚ki, bo czeka Was nie lada wyzwanie, które wymagać od Was bÄ™dzie wyjÄ…tkowych umiejÄ™tnoÅ›ci! ZnaleźliÅ›cie siÄ™ w renomowanej i znanej na caÅ‚ym Å›wiecie Szkole dla Wiedźm, gdzie trafiliÅ›cie prosto na lekcjÄ™ eliksirów. Jako nowicjusze, nieco po omacku zaczynacie wspólnie dodawać skÅ‚adniki do buzujÄ…cych kocioÅ‚ków, ale musicie być ostrożni – jedna niewÅ‚aÅ›ciwa ingrediencja i mikstura może wybuchnąć w spektakularny sposób, pozostawiajÄ…c w tle tylko chmury dymu i punkty ujemne na koniec gry! Nie miejcie jednak zÅ‚udzeÅ„, opanowanie sztuki warzenia magicznych mikstur to nie lada wyzwanie! Eliksiry wybuchajÄ…, punkty ujemne trafiajÄ… na Wasze konto, a Wy robicie wszystko, by nie okazać siÄ™ najgorszÄ… wiedźmÄ… na roku… Różdżki w dÅ‚oÅ„ i do dzieÅ‚a!
- Hexen Cocktail