Giochino semplice, una via di mezzo tra un gioco x famiglie, un gioco di fortuna e un gioco di strategia.
Bella la confezione e tutto sommato divertente. Per chi non cerca la strategia sofisticata ed appagante, è un bel gioco, per chi cerca qualcosa di più allora lasciate perdere.
This is some sort of Monopoly-clone which takes place in the world of High Finance. You have to earn 1 billion dollars and acquire 15 stocks to win this game. You move around the board while winning or losing money. You try to sell your stock at a higher price.
Alta Finanza is one of the oldest financial games ever made. The game is simply based upon the trade of shares and the fluctuation of the stock trade. You may sell or buy shares and so affect the value of the course title. With appropriate speculation and a little bit of fortune you will rise at the top of financial system and cast down your opponent. The six types of shares are:
Electric - Naval - Motor - Chemical - Mechanics - Oil
- High Finance
- Alta Finanza
- Yuppie Ett Finansspel