Gioco caciarone da fare minimo in 3 meglio in 4. Splendide illustrazioni durata sui 35-40 minuti.
Each turn, you choose one battle card. The player with the lowest initiative value begins and:
Deploys new units and applies skills if needed, or
Attacks with their army one or two of their opponents (shoot or assault) one or two times.
Then the next player begins their turn. After all players have taken their turn, the player who destroyed the largest number of units wins 5 domination points, the second 3 domination points and the third 1 domination point. The last one has only their eyes for crying. Each time a player totally destroys an opponent army, they must yell "KHARNAGE!", loud and clear, and stomp the table. They then take a Kharnage token worth 1 domination point. The other players must cheer them on by yelling "YEAH!"; if not, they lose a Kharnage token if they have one.
After four rounds, the warchief with the most domination points wins.
- Kharnage
- 카나지