Kuni Tori! è un gioco di costruzione del mazzo che usa meccaniche simili a Dominion. Alla fine del gioco vince il giocatore con più punti vittoria. I giocatori impersonano i Warlords nel periodo Sengoku. Mentre cercano di bilanciare il combattimento con altri Warlords ed il controllo del proprio paese, i giocatori ambiscono a diventare i più potenti Warlords dell'intero Giappone. Il tutto illustrato usando belle ragazze giapponesi in stile anime.
Kuni Tori! is a deck-building card game which uses mechanisms similar to Dominion. That is, during the course of the game the players purchase cards from an open card pool to build their own deck. And like Dominion, the goal is to collect victory points, which at the end of the game will decide the winner. The main difference is you can attack other players with your armies to gain land.
The players take the roles of daimyos - local warlords - during "Sengoku jidai" (warring states period in Japanese history). While holding a balance between fighting the other warlords and control of their own realm, the players strive to become the most powerful warlord under the heavens of Japan. Are you going to use your resources to build castles, armies or cannons? Or do you establish a town of fine arts? Famous generals from the Sengoku jidai period will have an appearance, with the only slight difference being that they appear as cute girls.
Integrates with:
Kunitori! Is the World on Fire?
- Kuni Tori!
- Kunitori!
- くにとりっ!
- 戦国大名カードゲーム