"Die Befreiung der Mine" is a free legend for the base game. The heroes must find the dark mage Vakur and defeat him. Its a complete setup for a game including 12 legend cards. The game uses the back side of the gameboard.
"Only a few knew that the heroes met the dark mage Vakur before they fight against the dragon Tarok. The mage hides in the mines of the dwarf well protect by the Skrals"
The legend is free for download as pdf.
- Legends of Andor: Liberating the Mine
- Andor: La Libération de la Mine
- De Legenden van Andor: De Bevrijding van de Mijn
- Die Legenden von Andor: Die Befreiung der Mine
- Le Leggende di Andor: Liberazione della Miniera
- Las Leyendas de Andor: La liberación de la mina
- Η Απελευθέρωση του Ορυχείου
- アンドールの伝説:廃鉱を解き放て