Condivido la recensione. Risulta un gioco molto "scacchistico" anche se più vario. Per mantenere il gioco abbastanza veloce, qualora si confrontino dei "pensatori", potrebbe risultare utile l'utilizzo di una clessidra.
Game goal is to place all personal pieces on the board first.
Pieces have special abilities like better attack, attack on long range, better resistance, etc. Only the last placed piece has effect on board situation.
With good piece placement you should be able to exile enemy's pieces, but beware, they can be right back and exile more your pieces.
To avoid cycling, there is also one neutral piece which is placed on the place of the last exiled piece.
Additional rules include terrain effects and some scenarios.
Legie is registered by IAGO.
Legie can be played online at SmartBlue.
- Legie
- Legion