Short for the "Life Of Ordinary People", The L.O.O.P. is a 1-6 persons educational card game about Consumerism, Materialistic Lifestyle, and Personal Happiness. Players are challenged to reach maximum HAPPINESS by balancing the 3 aspects of material life while preventing a total resource DEPLETION. Each turn, player chooses to do 1 of these 3 actions: WORK (earn COINs), BUY (get new MATERIALs), or CONSUME (completing ACTIVITIES). Each action results in increasing or decreasing HAPPINESS for that turn. Player can play combo with 5 types of FAVOUR cards to interact and negotiate with other players to obtain necessary MATERIALs. There are 9 CAREERs to choose from and each comes with a special ability; and also 8 TRAPs that lure all players into materialistic behaviours that are inspired by real-life consumerism tricks used by big companies. While all players are spending resources competing each other (and TRAPs) to first reach maximum HAPPINESS, they are also fighting against the ultimate count-down for the human race: the resource DEPLETION! Work, Buy, Consume, until Die? Do you think you have what it takes to break this L.O.O.P.? —description from the publisher
- LOOP: Life of Ordinary People