[See also Loteria, under a separate entry] A precursor to Bingo, Lotto utilizes cards showing pictures or numbers in a grid, commonly 4x4 pictures or 3x6 numbers. The same images or numbers are scattered on different cards. A set of tiles or small cards is used to call out which image/number the players should cover up with a chip. The first to get one row complete wins a round. Many people can play at once; one older game was designed for large groups of up to 48 players. There are many picture lotto sets published for young children, often with themes (baby animal lotto, Monsters, Inc. lotto, etc.). These games of chance and matching can be educational or just for fun.
- Lotto
- Alphabet Lotto
- Anche Loro!!
- Animal Lotto
- Astrid Lindgrens Lotto
- Auto Lotto
- Auto-Lotto
- Babar Lotto
- Bambino Lotto
- Bamse Lotto
- Bank
- Banko
- Bauernhof-Lotto
- Beano
- Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom Lotto Game
- Benjamin Blümchen Lotto
- Benjamin Blümchen Zoo Lotto
- Bilder + Leselotto
- Bilder ABC
- Bilder-Lotto
- Bilder-Lotto: Im Wald und auf der Heide
- Bilderlegespiel
- Bilderlotto
- Bilderlotto für unsere Kleinsten
- Billedelotteri
- Billedlotteri
- Blumen-Lotto
- Blumenlotto
- Bozo TV Lotto
- Bussi Bär: Verkehrszeichen Lotto
- Casper's Picture Lotto
- Children of Foreign Lands Lotto
- City Lotto
- Classic Bingo
- Danmark i Billedelotteri
- Dick Bruna Lotto
- Dino-Lotto
- Dinosaurier Lotto
- Disney Lotto
- Dyre-Lotto
- Das ein mal eins als Lotterie
- Ein-Mal-Eins-Lotto
- Einst und Jetzt Lotto
- Erstes Lotto
- Fabeltjeskrant Lotto
- Fairy-Tale Lotto
- Familiar Objects
- Farbiges Tierlotto
- Farm Lotto
- Fit-In Picture Lotto
- Fleckis Lotto
- Floral Loto
- Flower Lotto
- La France Pittoresque
- Fullt kort
- Game of Lotto
- Gartenlotto
- Lo Giuoco del Lotto d'Italia
- Das große Tierlotto
- Historical Lotto
- House
- House! or Lotto
- Housee
- Housey-House
- Housie
- Janosch Lotto
- Jeu d' Herbes Medicinales par Kneipp
- Jeu de Loto
- Les Jeux de Lucky Luke Loto et Dominos
- Jeux des 4 Saisons
- Juego de la Loteria
- Kikker & Vriendjes Lotto
- Der Kinderfreund mit seiner Glücksbude
- Kinderlotto
- Kunst-Lotto
- L'Histoire de France
- Lernlotto Blumen
- Lernlotto Fruchte
- Let's Play Lotto
- Linofive
- Little Dot's Picture Lotto Game
- Loteria
- Loteria de los Animales
- Loto
- Loto dauphin
- Le Loto De Babar
- Loto de Géographic
- Loto de l' Histoire de France
- Loto de la Route
- Le Loto de Oui-Oui
- Loto Des Chateaux de France
- Loto Des Drapeaux
- Loto des Métiers
- Loto des Teuf-Teuf
- Loto Enfantin Jeu Amusant
- Loto Europeen
- Loto Mineralogique
- Lotteri
- Lotteria dei Piccoli
- Lotterie
- Le Lotto
- Lotto (Housey-Housey)
- Lotto Boy Scouts Edition
- Lotto Club Set
- Lotto Dom
- The Lotto Game!
- Der Lotto König
- Lotto med femton kulor
- Lotto or "Housey-Housey"
- Lotto or House
- Lotto or Housey-Housey
- Lotto Photo
- Lotto Verkeer
- Lotto Vögel
- Lotto Zoo
- Lotto-Stern
- Lucky Luke Vise Juste Loto
- Das Lustige Bilder-Lotto
- Lustiges ein mal eins
- Magic Roundabout TV Lotto
- Mainzel-Männchen
- Mal- u. Haustier- Lotto
- Märchen-Lotto
- Märchenlotto
- Märchenlotto + Puzzle
- Marvel Avengers Assemble Lotto
- Mathematical Quodlibet
- Maxi-Lotto Spielzeug
- Mein erstes Lotto
- My World My Lotto
- Naturgeschichtliches Lotto
- Das neue Lotto
- Neuestes Würfel Lottospiel
- Nicki Lotto
- Noddy Loto
- Noddy Picture Lotto
- Nursery Lotto, An Interesting Round Game
- Oiseaux du Monde
- Old MacDonald Lotto
- Philipp die Maus Lotto
- Picture-Lotto
- Play and Learn Lotto
- The Popular Game of Lotto
- Popular Lotto
- Preschool Lotto Game
- Prof. Grzimeks Tier-Lotto
- Pumuckl-Lotto
- Rätsel-Lotto
- Das Regenbogenfisch Lotto
- Regnelotteriet
- Sesam Bild-Lotto
- Ships & Boats Lotto
- Spelling Lotto
- Spreekwoorden-Lotto
- Städte des deutschen Reiches
- Stavelotteri
- Super Tombolina
- Tal Lotteri
- Tallotteri
- Technisches Wissen und Können
- Tier aus aller Welt
- Tier-Lotto
- Tiere aus aller Welt-Lotto
- Tierkinder-Lotto
- Tierlotto
- Tingeling
- Tom & Jerry Loto
- Tombola
- Tombola 48
- Tombola degli ambienti lessicali
- Tombola degli animali
- Tombola: The Italian Game of Chance
- Trafikk Lotto bil-båt-tog-fly
- U.S.A. Lotto
- Verkehrs-Lotto
- Visitons La Ferme Un Loto
- Vogelbilder-Lotto
- Walt Disney Lotto
- Was kostet das?
- Wer wie was
- What is This?
- Wide World Lotto
- Zahlen-Lotto
- Zeitvertreibende Lotterie mit Gewinn und Verlust für junge Leute
- Zoo Lotto
- Zoological Lotto
- Γεωγραφική Τόμπολα Ελλάδος
- Μίκυ Μάους Τόμπολα
- Τόμπολα
- Лото на селу
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