Macho Women with Guns is a humorous tactical miniatures game with some RPG elements tacked on for good measure. Players take on the roles of heavily armed women battling everything from Drunken Frat Boys to Bthulhu and more. One player controls the monsters and NPCs while the rest play the women. Characters are created with a point based system governing the stats of Strength, Dexterity, Macho, Looks, and Health. (There is no Intelligence score), as well as various skills like "Run in High Heels" and "Hit Things With Things"...
Combat and skill use is based on a 3d6 roll system combined with double-sided cut-out paper miniatures (cardboard bimbos), and hex boards supplied with the game. Gameplay is quick, easy to learn, and often very absurd.
The game has gone through 3 editions and several expansions.
Expanded by:
Renegade Nuns on Wheels
Batwinged Bimbos from Hell
Macho Women with Guns: The Final Chapter (part one)
More Excuses to Kill Things
- Macho Women with Guns
- Maschiacce Armate Pesantemente