Each Player starts with $10,000. The board is Monopoly-like, with 2 inner tracks that can also be used. Play is counter-clockwise and you must roll the dice with your left hand. Certain spaces, and the ever present 'Card' cards send you elsewhere, make you pay money (good), make you get money (bad), switch seats with someone else or exchange money with another player.
First to lose all their money wins.
- The Mad Magazine Game
- Le Jeu de Mad Magazine
- The Mad Game
- MAD Le Monde à l'envers: Qui perd gagne
- Het Mad Magazine Spel
- Mad Magazine: The "What-Me Worry?" Game / Mad Magazine: Le Jeu de "Quoi-moi m'inquiéter?"
- Mad Magazine: the "What-Me Worry?"game
- Het MAD spel
- Das MAD Spiel
- MAD Spillet for dårlige tabere!
- Mad: El Mundo al Reves – Quien Pierde...!!Gana!!
- MAD: Pähkähullu peli koko perheelle
- Mad: Spillet for dårlige tapere!
- Svenska MAD:s Spel för dåliga förlorare