Description from the publisher: Following the call of the gods, the players settle at the base of mountain Meduris. Building huts, bringing offerings to the druid, gathering precious runestones, and building monumental temples is the only way to earn the favor of the gods in Meduris. 1. Skillful use of the workers lets you obtain valuable materials. These are needed to build huts and temples. 2. The larger the settlement,the more expensive it is to build a hut there. But if you can get in the good graces of the druid by presenting an offering, then your effort pays off. 3. Keep an eye on the other players: Who will secure the best building sites at the right time, and collect the most valuable rune stones? 4. Only a player who skillfully places their huts and temples, and keeps enough materials ready for the big final round of offerings, will win the game. Game description from the publisher: Dem Ruf der Götter folgend, machen sich die Spieler auf, um den Fuß des Berges Méduris zu besiedeln. Hütten bauen, dem Druiden Opfergaben darbringen, wertvolle Runensteine sammeln und monumentale Tempel errichten – nur so können die Spieler die Gunst der Götter gewinnen.
- Meduris: Der Ruf der Götter
- Meduris: De roep van de goden
- Méduris: L'appel des dieux
- Meduris: la chiamata degli dèi
- Meduris: la llamada de los dioses
- Meduris: The Call of the Gods
Voti e commenti per Meduris: Der Ruf der Götter
Gioco semplice ma abbastanza particolare. Il tema è piuttosto astratto. In pratica si fanno risorse per costruire villaggi e poi far punti attraverso le offerte al druido, il quale gira in senso orario sul tabellone. La lotta è serrata fino all'ultimo e a ogni turno tutti sono coinvolti attraverso il lancio di dado in primis ma non solo.
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