Mouse Trap pits 2-4 players against each other as mice trying to navigate through a complex mousetrap. They build the Rube Goldberg inspired mousetrap as they move their mice across the board. They also try to collect cheese cards, which allow them to move other mice to cheese wheel which is the bait for the trap. Once the mousetrap has been completely constructed, players can attempt to capture each others' mice in it by turning the crank, which activates the mousetrap. If the mousetrap doesn't malfunction, the mouse is captured and out of the game. The winner is the last mouse who avoids being trapped. The main appeal of Mouse Trap is the ridiculously complex contraption that is the mousetrap. Somehow even young children can figure out how to assemble it from the blueprints on the board, and everyone enjoys watching it do its magic.
- Mouse Trap
- Atrapa Ratones
- Attrap'Souris
- Attrape souris
- Fang die Maus Spiel
- Fare Kapanı
- Hiirenloukku
- Maus reiß aus
- Mouse Trap Game
- Mouse Trap on a Keychain
- Mouse Trap: Egérfogó
- Muizenval
- Muizeval
- Musefelle
- Pułapka na myszy
- Pułapka na myszy
- Pułapka na myszy! Egérfogó!
- Ratonera
- Topo Trap
- Trampa Raton
- Traque souris
- Ποντικοπαγίδα
- 마우스 트랩
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