La versione marinaresca di Carcassonne: anche se non conosco Entedecker e non so se sia uscito prima Carcassonne o Entedecker. Ma si assomigliano moltissimo, al punto che anche in questo Oceania per aumentare la strategia bisogna prendere più tessere per volta in mano.
From Teuber's official website:
"On your turn place an explorer ship on a circle field on one of the three sides of the game board and draw a sea tile. Place the tile if it fits, i.e. when water borders water and land borders land. Throughout game-play a fascinating seascape unfolds before your eyes. The size and arrangement of the islands on the board is different in each game!"
From the back of the box:
Experience the adventure of exploring unknown islands! Each game presents new and unique challenges, for the board is different every time you play.
In the 2-player variant, you and your opponent seek to claim the biggest islands in Oceania. The most successful explorer is the victor.
Or you can be your own opponent in the solo variant. You will seek out larger, more valuable islands as the game challenges you to beat your own record score.
Oceania is the smaller - but no less exciting - brother of the classic Klaus Tauber game "Entdecker," also published by Mayfair Games.
Online Play
PlayCatan (real-time)
- Oceania
- Ozeanien