A cooperative and immersive experience in which you must coordinate as best you can by taking advantage of every glimpse from the lines of sight and overhearing every bit of information. The game is divided into 3 days, each of which consists of 4 rounds. At each turn, players use up to 3 action points and, clockwise, choose whether to perform 1 or 2 actions until they run out of tokens. During your turn you can move within the Panopticon, interact with rooms to activate or inspect them, or talk to prisoners you encounter. Different actions carry an associated risk, to be checked by flipping the cards of the Panopticon deck. The risk will be gradual and will increase day by day. It is necessary to survive all together until the final showdown, otherwise the game will be lost before any escape attempt is made. The heart of the game is to discover and execute at least 4 out of 5 phases of the same escape plan by dropping resource cards to accomplish the demands of the prisoners who possess this information. In the meanwhile you will create objects in the workshop to dig a tunnel or damage the electrical system. You will whisper a prayer in the chapel and maybe you will take on a temporary job... Communication is prohibited, but you can take advantage of lines of sight and adjacencies to cooperate and coordinate in order to acquire as much knowledge as possible by lowering the risk. Should the plan be too fragmented, you will have to gather in one room to interact, at the risk of being spotted. The perception of control will be defeated: run away from the Panopticon! Will you be able to grasp your new freedom, or will you die at your last step? -description from developer
- Panopticon