Presented at Play 2008 in Modena (Italy), Pinguini Contro Vampiri is a very simple game with rules similar to Uno. The game was sponsorized by AVIS (Associazione Volontari Italiani Sangue), the most important Blood Donors association in Italy, and the objective of the game is educate children to the importance of blood groups. It contains 55 cards: 48 Penguin cards and 7 Vampire cards. The first player plays a Penguin card, that shows a blood group and all related blood groups. Following player should play a related card (with the same symbol), otherwise comes in Play a Vampire card, that lightly modify the rules of the game. If one player has no cards, the game ends and all players has won. If the last Vampire is played, the game ends and all players have lost.
- Pinguini contro Vampiri