Banking was not the only business that Jin Merchants were running and profiting. They also held pawnshops all around China. After adding this expansion to Pingyao: First Chinese Banks, players can now open banks and pawn shops at the same time, and new elements such as Remaining Profit, National Loan and Pawn Collectors can help players find new ways to better organize their resources in the game. The player with the most victory points at the end of the game will become the most successful of all Jin Merchants and claim victory. —description from the publisher 晉商不僅開票號賺的盆滿缽滿,同時他們的典當行也是開遍全國。平遙匯通天下在加入本擴展後,玩家依舊扮演一位晉商在固定的時間內(8個回合)發展自己,這次我們不僅能經營票號,還能經營典當行,通過平色餘利系統、全國放款和典當收藏家幫助玩家獲得更多的資源。遊戲結束後誰是最成功的商人(分數最多)誰將獲得遊戲勝利。 —description from the publisher (Chinese)
- Pingyao: The Golden Pawner
- 平遙: 典實成金