Le nuove centrali servono solo a velocizzare il gioco, rendendolo più facile e molto meno strategico.
Inoltre combinare dei mazzi ibridi mi sembra davvero inutile. Alla larga!
This deck is a complete set of power plant cards for Power Grid that can be used:
in place of the original deck
paired with the original deck (to make for an unpredictable mix)
cards added to the original deck (to make the game as long as "Funkenschlag", game will end at 20 cities)
in custom mixture of the two decks (to create specialized decks) with any maps.
This set of cards has green borders to distinguish them easily from the original set of power plant cards.
Announced April 2007. Released at Essen 2007.
The official variant rules for using the new power plants with all released maps can be found at http://www.2f-spiele.de/spiele/pdf/us_promo_rules_ex_10_2013...
- Power Grid: The New Power Plants – Set 1
- Alta Tensión: Nuevas Tarjetas de Centrales Eléctricas
- Alta Tensione: Nuove Centrali
- Funkenschlag: Die neuen Kraftwerke – Set 1
- Funkenschlag: Die Neuen Kraftwerkskarten
- Haute Tension: Les nouvelles cartes de centrale
- Noile centrale pentru Reteaua Energetica
- Power Grid: The New Power Plant Cards
- Vysoké napětí: Nové elektrárny
- Wysokie Napięcie: Nowe karty elektrowni
- Wysokie Napięcie: Nowe karty elektrowni – Zestaw 1
- 電力会社:拡張 追加発電所カードセット
- 電力公司:全新發電廠卡