A racket wakes you up in the middle of the night! A lightning set a tree on fire: we have to stop it or it will burn to ashes the entire jungle.. How will you deal with it? Will you use sand or water to cover it or you will howl to the moon to ask your animal companions for help? Everything you will do to save your pack will be told for centuries as a legend to the young wolves around the Rock, during the long and wild jungle nights. I Racconti del Libro della Giungla ("Tales from the Junglebook") is an innovative storytelling game thanks to the impartial scoring system. It has an engine made of 27 element cards as objects and moves. A few of these cards will be given to players and will be their hands. During you turn you tell a story starting from a quest card incipit. You can mention 3 elements at most in your tale. If another player has the corresponding element card, he has to show it to take a point but help you gaining points at the end of the quest. When you reach the story end throw a die and add to the result the number of element cards shown by other players. If the result is the same as the quest card's at least, you take points from the quest card. Allies like Baloo and Bagheera and enemies like Jakala and Shere-Khan will give bonus and malus to the quest.
- I Racconti del Libro della Giungla
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