Secondo me quasi indispensabile per i PG maghi ma anche per l'ADG.
Aggiunge qualcosa in più in più, che si integra molto bene nel gioco base.
From the back cover:
"The Winds of Magic blow south from the Realms of Sorcery and only those with the knowledge and talent can master them. This massive volume offers unprecedented detail on all things magical in the Empire, from the history of the Orders of Magic to the lives of Witches and Hedge Wizards. Though distrusted, reviled, and even feared, Wizards have proved time and again to be capable allies in the ongoing struggle against Chaos. In revealing all the secrets about the Colleges of Magic, this sourcebook serves as an invaluable resource for those seeking the paths of wizardry or for those looking to acquire the tools needed to defeat them."
- Realms of Sorcery
- Królestwo Magii
- Les Royaumes de Sorcellerie