Se volete giocare di ruolo senza tante pippe mentali e senza spendere un centesimo di euro, questo gioco dovete provarlo assolutamente! Leggete tutto ciò che c'è in rete e poi scatenate la vostra fantasia... con Risus si può!
This is the core rules for Risus, available as a 6-page PDF.
Risus is a complete Role Playing Game (RPG) designed to provide an "RPG Lite" for those nights when the brain is too tired for exacting detail. Risus is especially valuable to GMs assembling a quick convention game, or any late-night beer-and-pretzels outing. While it is essentially a Universal Comedy System, it works just as well for serious play (if you insist!). Best of all, a Risus character takes about 20 seconds to create! -- opening paragraph
- Risus: The Anything RPG